Secondly:Electronic lessons production |
It performs the following duties:- |
A : How the instructional Designer works. |
Before converting any lesson to an electronic lesson,the lesson enters the stage of the instructional designer , where the instructional designer analyzes and designs the lesson to be converted into an electronic lesson.where the lesson is analyzed and unclear words and phrases are clarified and annotated texts are attributed with images,graphics and illustrations ,and texts are also attributed to video clips .This plan ,which was mentioned ,is placed on aprogram called (power point) and submitted to the (course developer)(CD) to be then converted into an electronic lesson. |
B : How the Course Deveolper works. |
After completing the analysis and design of the lesson by the (instructional designer)(ID) and submitting it to the (Course Developer)(CD),where the Course Developer (CD) converts the lesson into an electronic lesson using the lectura program, which is ( apresentation program) where the conversion is made based on the plan developed by the instructional designer(ID) ,and through the lectura program the lesson slides are presented with lesson support images ,graphics ,and video demonstration. |