Specialization Of Health, Safety and Environment Technologies

The purpose of the specialization:prepare students who work in different fields and contribute to monitoring work and do an activity in the field of health, safety and environment, firefighting, first aid and environmental protection, such as follow-up and maintaining the application of protection conditions in the fields of (health, safety and environment) and carrying out follow-up and supervision of workers in different specialties and granting Permits and approvals to carry out various and dangerous work in the direction of (health, safety and environment) to protect workers, production, environment and the work site, provide safety conditions on the site, publish instructions and directives by the direct official, international standards and safety programs, and make the required contacts between the different departments for coordination and follow-up Work on coordination and communication with the relevant departments Maintenance procedures for the implementation of work to avoid accidents and injuries

The division consists of the following workshops and laboratories:
Training, reviewing and carrying out various experiments and practices in several environments related to the pollution of the elements of the environment, knowing the determinants and factors of the environment, the standards and limits thereof, how to measure them, what devices are used to measure the percentage of pollution, the methods of following up and monitoring violations in the field of safety, environmental pollution and health effects on workers and society, and making recommendations to treat violations or provide precautions Necessary to correct the pathways affecting the environment
An integrated workshop that contains different simulators, devices, equipment and machines used in the process of extinguishing various fires. It provides identification of practical practices, training and acquaintance of students with the methods of extinguishing fires, the use of equipment, knowledge of appropriate methods, knowledge of types of fires, the use of foam and its types, and various practices such as realistic experiments during firefighting operations
workshop that contains various medical devices and equipment and laboratory devices to detect vital signs of the teeth and a lot of knowledge to train students and inform them of all types of injuries during work, methods of first aid and types of occupational injuries resulting from them, and knowledge of appropriate ways to detect the risks leading to them and take the necessary measures to avoid or reduce them as much as possible And doing first aid for all kinds of injuries by means of resuscitation equipment